
“InTouch has made my life as a business owner so much easier.
I now have access to information that I never did before - information that my staff would never have had time to compile - information that I have actually used to grow our revenue!”
B. Donner, Clinic Owner, Step-by-Step Rehab

“We knew that we needed to change our practice management system within our clinic, but were afraid of the cost and transition. We had liked what we had seen with InTouch, but still, we hesitated. When we finally made the move, all of our fears were put to rest. The move was as smooth as it could have been, the training was great and very personalized and we never felt like we were ‘using up our allotted time’. Support has been timely, understanding and friendly when we have needed it and the promised updates have been substantial and not just a ‘new coat of paint’.”
J. Ellington, Co-Clinic Owner, Potential Physical Therapy

“I was concerned about the price – I was looking for the catch. There was none. Our clinic was installed, trained and has been fully supported and upgraded for several years now, all for the one monthly fee. There seems to be so many software firms that are here-today, gone-tomorrow. InTouch has proven to us that they are in this for the long haul. Which is good, cause so are we.”
S. Bikram, Clinic Owner, Alanmeadow Physiotherapy

“All in all, we have found the InTouch experience to be a positive one. The product continues to meet our needs, and the InTouch staff continues to be attentive, knowledgeable and accommodating. We look forward to working with HealthLink Technologies for years to come.”
G. Gitterman, Clinic Co-Owner, Allied Health & Rehabilitation



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